Wednesday, May 11, 2011

my birthday

this is my pre-birthday shout out to all you pirates and vikings. one day left, thats all. the suspense is killing me! it'll be my 18th and it will be a blast. lets see if i can get 250 views and comments tomorrow. that would be a great present.

Monday, May 9, 2011

song of the week

the new pirate

is pirating music, movies and other things a crime? I do not think so, why? because our race wouldn't have gotten anywhere if people didn't share their knowledge or combine it to achieve a common goal. music for example, back in the day like stone ages wise, when 'music' was played it wasn't played for money, but for entertainment and for celebrations. then some one had to get the idea to make money off of it. some people cannot afford to go to concerts or buy music, so people download it; and just ask yourself: why buy it when you can get it for free, like come on, who doesn't like free stuff? i will admit, i pirate stuff all the time, or lets change the name... sharing. pirating now is just a bunch of people sharing what they have. now is it a crime, is it unfair? i'll leave you with that.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Movie time

So who's up to see another one of our works? we remain untitled for now but are looking for a name... any ideas? anyways, we made one movie titled my Colombian drug lord,you can check it out on so carrying on, we are in the process of making another short film for a project for digital media. and the debut will be here on how to be a viking and to contradict kyran. we will also be making random shorts and posting them on just for kicks. right o thats all for now, and as always... have nice day.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

song of the week

Thoughts of Humanity in the Universe

Had a discussion today about humanity in the universe, and I was thinking... what part do we play in it? what makes us so special? why are we here and so on and so on. in my opinion, i believe that we are just another race in the universe, on a small planet that; to us is huge. i have not really given it too much thought till just recently(this year) because i had that 'human ego' "we are the center of the galaxy and the most important of the 'Races' and we deserve all that we have. Could this be because we are all we know? to understand all of this you need to open up your mind and try to see it from all of the available perspectives; imagination is the first piece to the puzzle. give it some thought, because next time, i will be back with more for more.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


hello hello, hows it goin? today i cut my thumb in the kitchen so bad i had to go to the hospital and damn, it really hurt. nearly cut a good 2/5 of my thumb. it all happened because i wasn't payin' attention. so thought for the day, Always Pay Attention!

Monday, April 11, 2011

kindness and compassion

Isn't this a beautiful world we live in? bright shining raindrops light black clouds and of course lets not forget the bone chilling sea breeze. people bickering about sunny d and arizona's... personally i like sunny d better but, everyone is open to there own opinions... except for a young and very naive boy named Rhys Gawley. look him up on facebook and troll him.

song of the week

Monday, April 4, 2011

Been gone

Been gone soo long and I found my way back. LAWLZ, so yes i have been gone for quite a while and i am sorry to all of you followers and viewers who enjoy this place. there are a lot of stuff that i need to tell ya'll aboot but... another day; probably tomorrow or the day after. To all of you viewers and followers do not give up on me, i will become a dedicated blogger and post on a regular basis. so i gonna go for now but later i will put up some deece posts for to see and possibly hear.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

compassion metaphor

compassion is like japan, it starts with something small then effects the whole world.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Just broke 100 views. really appreciate it and thank Yar!!!!! but please comment.

Bout' that Mass Effect page...

With the arrival of the Mass Effect page there will be numerous items on the topic at hand and quotes. The voluptuous videos page will house the Mass Effect videos obviously, and the page itself will try to contain the awesomeness of it. and please, please... give your thoughts and add to it if you feel something is missing.

Friday, March 4, 2011

about the compassion page

the compassion page, is a place where all of the compassion project stuff, and anything to do with compassion. there will be posts everyday of compassion-like stuff and i want your comments on the questions i post. answer them and give your thoughts.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The Awesomeness of Bagpipes

Today i digital media i put on some of my pipe tunes and i just remembered how legit they are and i also heard some tunes that i want to learn and possibly compete with. but enough about meh, lets talk bout the coolest instrument in the whole world... BAGPIPES! yes, the are one of the hardest instruments to play and also one of the most physically demanding. they are a baesterd to learn but when you learn it you feel awesome; plus it is an instrument that isn't to common anymore and nearly no one plays it anymore. i heard some people say that bagpipes are saddened instruments only to be used for remembrance day and funerals. now to tell you the truth, there is more to it then that. like the fact that pipes were used to rally troops and get them motivated to fight. but again there are more ways to use them, say... during St. Patrick's week and day there are plenty of pubs around that are open for conquering and the fact that if you are a piper means that you can play for your drink; lets see you do that with a guitar (no dont do it cuz ima tryin ta proove a point), but you get it, it is a legit instrument and they are very appreciated in places. now in others they are less but who cares what everyone else thinks, if they don't like it they can "TAKE [their] GAY LEOTARD AND DIE!". lol not really but i gotta goo, so keep raidin' fellows and don't come back till you have the heads of all those that you conquered!

Monday, February 28, 2011

Quote 'o' tha day

Digi-Med Quote "Every child is an artist, the problem is remaining an artist once we've grown up." This quote means that never let your age take away your creativity. No matter what anyone says or even if you fail art class, everyone is creative and can come up with something worthy for even Thor himself.

Friday, February 25, 2011

song of the week

Quote of the Day

Well today in digital media, Mr. Bennet gave us the freedom to choose our own quote of the day. There are so many options available to choose from, but one particularly for this day stands out from Admiral David Farragut, "Damn the torpedoes. Full speed ahead!". this quote means to no matter the situation or the circumstances you are in, keep pressing on. Never give up.

Weekend Party

Kk guys, me and a bunch of my fellow viking raiders are going to party it up with our spoils of our last expedition. looking forward to having a good time. But having a good time doesn't mean getting drunk or doing drugs; you can still have a good time and say play x box or ps3(whichever you prefer) or just sit around and watch movies. But hey yall have a good weekend and belive meh, i will.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Having a bad day?

Have you ever had a bad day? Of course you have. Every one has a bad day; even the most positive people will have a bad day and maybe multiple bad days, weeks... maybe even months. Who knows. I had a bad night at cadets. I had to do something that i didn't really want to but i had to do it. It was definitely a first for me and i don't know what to think. You know the saying "don't dwell on the past."; you do not dwell on the bad stuff on the good... that isn't in my mind true or good. You see you have to remember the bad stuff to learn from it and the good stuff to remember accomplishments and to kind of take your mind off the bad stuff. Not saying that you should dwell on the bad but remember the bad to improve and be better. Like a Facebook post i put up a while ago "don't criticize yourself for what you did. Criticize yourself for what you didn't do.". I strongly believe in this statement and that is why i put it here. But hey there fellow viking trainees, don't let this get you down, flip that frown upside down and put a smile on that face because the weekend is near and that means... P-A-R-T-Y time and that my friends will cure any disappointment help you forget the negative times and for the time being replace them with positive ones. Now that be the greatest gift, learning from the past and using it to have a positive future. now I'm gonna go and umm... well i dunno, What do vikings do other than: pillage, rape, burn, yatta yatta yatta. Either way I be done my rant. Bon Voyage!

Sunday, February 20, 2011


At "The Art of Being a Viking"; we want our viewers to be satisfied with their visit and what they see, sooooooooo... if you guys and gals want to see anything in particular, just let meh know. Believe me, you WILL be helping a good cause so please nothing too inappropriate. Thanks.

The way things will roll

Kk, so i am quite busy during the week so i will be updating everything on either Monday or Friday or on the weekend.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Rad Facial

Hey guys, this is just one of my many works which will be published in the near future.


Well Folks, I am tired and since I am a bit of a nub at this... I am testing stuff out... Don't judge Meh.

Land Ho!

Hello, Hello it's Tom tha Bomb. After being a veteran admin and long time supporter of; I have decided to go lone wolf, and make my own b-l-o-g. When I has time, I will post what ever I feel like and who knows... YOU might get lucky and strike gold!