Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Having a bad day?

Have you ever had a bad day? Of course you have. Every one has a bad day; even the most positive people will have a bad day and maybe multiple bad days, weeks... maybe even months. Who knows. I had a bad night at cadets. I had to do something that i didn't really want to but i had to do it. It was definitely a first for me and i don't know what to think. You know the saying "don't dwell on the past."; you do not dwell on the bad stuff on the good... that isn't in my mind true or good. You see you have to remember the bad stuff to learn from it and the good stuff to remember accomplishments and to kind of take your mind off the bad stuff. Not saying that you should dwell on the bad but remember the bad to improve and be better. Like a Facebook post i put up a while ago "don't criticize yourself for what you did. Criticize yourself for what you didn't do.". I strongly believe in this statement and that is why i put it here. But hey there fellow viking trainees, don't let this get you down, flip that frown upside down and put a smile on that face because the weekend is near and that means... P-A-R-T-Y time and that my friends will cure any disappointment help you forget the negative times and for the time being replace them with positive ones. Now that be the greatest gift, learning from the past and using it to have a positive future. now I'm gonna go and umm... well i dunno, What do vikings do other than: pillage, rape, burn, yatta yatta yatta. Either way I be done my rant. Bon Voyage!

1 comment:

  1. Don't worry, dude. Everything will get better with time! Just remember.. be careful what you think, as what you think becomes who you are.


If it is criticism... please make it constructive.